What is CTE?
- What is CTE?
- Benefits of CTE
- Career Clusters
- Career Pathways
- Funding
Career and Technical Education (CTE) is the practice of teaching specific tech-based and career-oriented skills to students. Students generally start exploring careers in junior high school in the College and Career Awareness class and as they discover what they like they can narrow down their class choices into a pathway during high school. Career pathways help students form a plan to high-wage, high-skill, high-demand jobs and/or certificates and degrees in college. By following their plan or pathway and taking CTE and concurrent enrollment courses, students can complete degrees much quicker and for less cost and successfully enter the job market into a fulfilling career.
CTE courses are focused on skills, hands-on experience, practice and application as well as work-based learning experiences
There are several benefits to following a CTE career pathway:
- Higher Graduation rates
- Higher rates of college enrollment
- More earning potential
- classes helped them get better grades and define their post-high school education and career goals
- Courses are focused on skills and are hands-on
- Gain work experience through job shadowing, on-the-job training, internships and can earn industry-certifications
- A wide range of learning experiences that include several career tracks, industries and fields
- The opportunity to explore both academic and career-oriented courses
CTE programs of study are organized into different career clusters which include distinct groupings of occupations and industries based on the skills they require. These clusters branch into different tracks that help students narrow their interests and design an educational plan that utilizes career technology to achieve their goals. The different career clusters include:
- Architecture and construction
- Agriculture, food and natural resources
- Arts, audio/visual technology and communications
- Business, Finance and Marketing
- Computer Science and Information Technology
- Education and Training
- Engineering and Technology
- Health science
- Hospitality and tourism
- Human Services
- Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
- Manufacturing
- Transportation, distribution and logistics
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State funding for Career and Technical Education (CTE) is based on the regular Weighted Pupil Unit (WPU), including incentives to provide CTE in all forty districts. Funding is used to pay for the added costs of instruction for CTE programs. This legislative funding is often referred to as “CTE Add-on” In addition, local funding in the school districts is also used to support CTE programs.
CTE funding is also supplemented with Carl D. Perkins funding, a federal appropriation. The federal government is highly interested in CTE to prepare the workforce with the academic and technical skills to succeed in a global economy. The additional funding is used to develop new CTE programs and update existing programs for in demand and emerging careers.
The Consortium
In the past, Perkins funds were awarded to each district or college to manage. With the change in the Carl Perkins Act in 2018, new requirements
- Linked academic and CTE content across high school and college so that students have clear pathways to a career or certificates and degrees and
- Ensured that CTE programs continuously improve.
The Southwest Utah Career and Technical Education Consortium (The Consortium) is a K-12/Higher education partnership allowing us to work together to
- Develop CTE programs based on high-wage, high-demand, high-pay careers in Southwest Utah.
- Articulate high school courses with colleges and universities.
- Promote Career Pathways
- Improve business relationships
- Inform Advisory Board of region CTE data and programs and use feedback to improve achievement for students within the Consortium.
The Consortium members are shown below.
Southwest Utah Career and Technical Education Consortium
The Southwest Utah Career and Technical Education Consortium helps students streamline their education. Through CTE courses, students can explore careers, earn college credit, and get technical training allowing them to reach their career goals in less time and for less cost. Students are encouraged to start their career pathway in high school and follow that path to a college certificate or degree and employment. We partner with businesses who offer work-based learning experiences, the Department of Workforce Services who informs us of high-pay, high-skill, high-demand careers and an Advisory Board who identifies needed areas of improvement for CTE students in Southwest Utah.
Our Mission
The Southwest Utah Career and Technical Education Consortium exists to provide support, leadership and consultation to secondary and post-secondary educational institutions by:
- Identifying CTE career clusters, pathways and programs of study from secondary through post-secondary institutions, leading to high-wage, high-skill, and in-demand occupations that are ideal for our region.
- Forming effective partnerships among local businesses, industry, communities and schools for the benefit of all stakeholders in Southwest Utah.
- Positively promoting awareness of CTE and improving communication to all stakeholders in Southwest Utah.
- Using data to analyze and report the region’s students enrollment, completion rates, and indicators of performance to drive decision making.
Our Vision
Students have the confidence, knowledge and opportunity to access career pathways and programs leading to higher academic achievement and high-skill, high-pay and high-demand careers. Improved programs come from the suggestions of the Advisory board and local businesses. Students have opportunities to learn real-world skills with hand-on experiences and are prepared to perform as competent employees. Students are productive citizens who are fulfilled by working in their chosen career.
Consortium Representatives
Amy Cook
Pathways Specialist
Colin Metzger
ACE Academy
David Long
Beaver County School District
Jordan Rushton
Dixie Technical College
Nancy Hauck
Dixie State University
Rod Quarnberg
Garfield and Kane County School Districts
Greg Sanders
Iron County School District
Jason McCoy
Southern Utah University
Scott Leavitt
Southwest Technical College
Dave Gardner
Washington County School District